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Artistic endeavors have been a part of my life since childhood, and I have always found

deep satisfaction in creating. I love drawing, painting, sculpting, collage, sewing, and anything that involves putting materials and ideas together to create something of my own. Of all these, I find the greatest joy creating Teddy Bears and dolls. I want my bears

and dolls to be appreciated as art, starting with my own original pattern designs, then choosing the finest materials and creating each bear or doll with attention to the finest

detail. The reason this form of art appeals to me above all others I have experienced is that it is art you can hold, touch, pose, even “play with", and experience beyond just looking at it.

It is art that evokes the warmth, security, and delight of childhood, and shows an appreciation for the beauty of God's creations.

As the child of an artist, I was encouraged to express myself creatively at a young age, enjoying drawing, painting, and sewing.

When I received a Teddy Bear for my sixth birthday, he became my constant companion and the subject of much of my artwork. While my earliest Teddy Bear art was made of paper, clay, and fabric scraps, I now design and create bears of high-quality mohair, with hand-blown glass eyes and ultra-suede paws. Many of my bears feature hand-painted and air-brushed details and my most popular designs wear a sweet open-mouthed smile, and unique appliquéd, trapunto sculpted pawpads which have a realistic look and feel. I make only a small number of bears each year, which insures that each one is a detailed work of art. These bears became my primary artistic focus and they have earned me recognition among Teddy Bear collectors and other artists, receiving numerous awards.

Several years ago, I took a polymer clay doll sculpting class and was so thrilled with it, that I began to read everything I could find about doll art. I felt as if my eyes had been opened to a whole new world where the possibilities for expression were endless. Since then I have discovered the joys of sculpting in Paperclay. Because this air dry medium takes paint so well, it seemed for me the perfect medium. One of my childhood dreams was to illustrate children's books and I have come to see that my dolls are the way this wish has manifested itself. My painted Paperclay dolls are like storybook illustrations come to life!

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