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As a child, I whirled through my days in a cloak of wild, abandoned imagination and make-believe. As an adult, I have encased the child in a shell of reality and responsibility. Inside that shell, the child throbs with undiminished passion for worlds she creates outside the confines of reality. Together, the adult and the child, create dolls: wild, abandoned imagination and make-believe wrapped in color, texture and form.

My art dolls are from original designs and are completely hand-crafted, either as a one-of-a-kind, or limited edition. The doll bodies are created of cloth (mostly cotton or silk) and stuffed with fiberfill; embellishments consist of beads, fibers, mohair, and found objects. I paint or embroider the faces. The dolls take anywhere from 30 to over 200 hours to create and each creation has its own character, whether one-of-a-kind or limited edition.

The dolls are great as collectibles or as a muse. Join us in our world.

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