PDMAG Pinnacle Awards
This award is going to be an ongoing event on behalf of PDMAG to honor and bring well deserved recognition to the very best in the industry. The artists who will receive this award will be chosen because of their dedication to the excellence, innovation, and originality in the practice of doll making that is world renowned. Those qualifications in and of themselves are noteworthy. But what makes an artist a good choice for our Pinnacle Award is that these Icons all reached back to those coming up behind them and took it upon themselves to teach these new artists via tutorials, web instruction and or live classes. They also have demonstrated a high level of dedication to the doll industry and a notably strong commitment to the ooak art doll community by promoting and advertising not just themselves but their peers. They bring their impressive talents to the forefront and inspire the next generation of artists which is how the industry grows. We are honored to be able to present our awards to these amazingly talented and giving artists. All of our Pinnacle winners will become Guild Legacy Members for life.
2018 Pinnacle Award Winners

Ankie Daanen

Bill Nelson
2017 Pinnacle Award Winners