How do I become a member?
To become a PDMAG artist member you must be a doll sculptor. Your dolls can be sculpted from polymer, paper clay, cloth, or fiber. and can also be mixed media. We do require that you must be the original artist who sculpted the piece. As a rule, we do not allow artists who make their dolls from MOLDS or PATTERNS that other artist other than themselves created. We DO allow members who sculpt and then cast and sell limited editions of their own original sculptures in Resin, Silicone and Porcelain.
This guild is a sculptors original art doll makers Guild. If you reproduce your own creations in porcelain, resin, silicone or other materials and the original doll the mold was made from was your own work you are very welcome here. If you would like to join all you need do is fill out our application/registration form, wait for our reply. Once accepted you simply pay your membership and then your access to the site and to all that is offered to you as a PDMAG member will be available HERE
PDMAG does NOT allow artists who use other artists molds, patterns, or other artists kits to create their finished work, but we do teach sculpting so if you have been using molds, patterns, or kits and would like to learn to sculpt your own dolls you can become an apprentice by clicking HERE. **Please be advised we currently do not teach cloth doll making. **
I want to advertise my business on your site how do I go about that?
You can message us at any time, and we will have one of our team get back to you. We will be offering banner ads on the site, and you can contact us at
I have already registered and want to fill out my page, how do I do that?
This video is to help you once you have registered and been accepted and paid your membership fee. In this video we explain how to access your account and add pictures, a bio, links and even YouTube channel links.